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Posts Tagged with "serve"

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How do we stay focused?

We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. 1 John 1:3

Clarity -- focusing on our mission is key to moving ahead as a congregation. "Strive for excellence, promote fraternity, serve the
community, educate the family, care for seniors, grow our memb...

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What do we do?


This week, we focus on “What should we do?” God’s Word is not a simple list of instructions… “do this….do that”. It is a beautiful mixture of the Gospel grace and encouragement. Perfect Love from a perfect God! Reread today’s passage from Hebrews and let the Holy Spirit speak to you from the highlighted phrases. Where is he drawing your attention? Who is he...

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How Do We Behave?


Our Trinity answer is to look, live, and love more like Jesus. We take the complex journey of following Jesus step by step, attitude by attitude, action by action, a journey of becoming. Here’s a paraphrased message from God for you to keep handy on the journey. ...

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