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Posts Tagged with "Easter"

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Life is Not Futile Day 5

God is at work, and we are part of his grand plan. He is bringing his kingdom into the universe, and restoring it to its original, eternal glory. EACH OF US HAS A PART TO PLAY! ...

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Life Is Not Futile Day 4

God is at work, and we are part of his grand plan. He is bringing his kingdom into the universe, and restoring it to its original, eternal glory. EACH OF US HAS A PART TO PLAY! ...

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Life Is Not Futile Day 3

God is at work, and we are part of his grand plan. He is bringing his kingdom into the universe, and restoring it to its original, eternal glory. EACH OF US HAS A PART TO PLAY! ...

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Life Is Not Futile Day 2

God is at work, and we are part of his grand plan. He is bringing his kingdom into the universe, and restoring it to its original, eternal glory. EACH OF US HAS A PART TO PLAY! ...

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Life Is Not Futile Day 1

God is at work, and we are part of his grand plan. He is bringing his kingdom into the universe, and restoring it to its original, eternal glory. EACH OF US HAS A PART TO PLAY! ...

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Behavior Is Not Fixed Day 5

Christians foolishly believe that change is not only possible, it is the norm for those who follow Jesus! One popular author reminds us: Jesus loves you just the way you are, he is just not content to leave you that way! Through the power of God’s Spirit at work with in us, through Word and Sacrament, God works to reshape us into his image. He gives us the gift of maturi...

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Behavior Is Not Fixed Day 4

Christians foolishly believe that change is not only possible, it is the norm for those who follow Jesus! One popular author reminds us: Jesus loves you just the way you are, he is just not content to leave you that way! Through the power of God’s Spirit at work with in us, through Word and Sacrament, God works to reshape us into his image. He gives us the gift of maturi...

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Behavior Is Not Fixed Day 3

Christians foolishly believe that change is not only possible, it is the norm for those who follow Jesus! One popular author reminds us: Jesus loves you just the way you are, he is just not content to leave you that way! Through the power of God’s Spirit at work with in us, through Word and Sacrament, God works to reshape us into his image. He gives us the gift of maturi...

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Behavior Is Not Fixed Day 2

Christians foolishly believe that change is not only possible, it is the norm for those who follow Jesus! One popular author reminds us: Jesus loves you just the way you are, he is just not content to leave you that way! Through the power of God’s Spirit at work with in us, through Word and Sacrament, God works to reshape us into his image. He gives us the gift of maturi...

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Behavior Is Not Fixed

Christians foolishly believe that change is not only possible, it is the norm for those who follow Jesus! ...

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Suffering Is Not Fruitless Day 5

God can use our suffering for good....

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Suffering Is Not Fruitless Day 4

God can use my suffering for good....

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Suffering Is Not Fruitless Day 3

God can use our suffering for good....

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Suffering is not Fruitless Day 2

God can use our suffering for good....

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Pain Is Not Fruitless Day 1

God can use suffering for good....

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Past Is Not Fatal day 5

The guilt from our past can live in our minds and lives long after the act itself, preventing us from being all God created us to be. From a human perspective this all makes sense ...

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Past Is Not Fatal day 4

The guilt from our past can live in our minds and lives long after the act itself, preventing us from being all God created us to be. From a human perspective this all makes sense ...

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Past Is Not Fatal day 3

The guilt from our past can live in our minds and lives long after the act itself, preventing us from being all God created us to be. From a human perspective this all makes sense ...

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Past Is Not Fatal day 2

The guilt from our past can live in our minds and lives long after the act itself, preventing us from being all God created us to be. From a human perspective this all makes sense ...

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Past Is Not Fatal Day 1

The guilt from our past can live in our minds and lives long after the act itself, preventing us from being all God created us to be. From a human perspective this all makes sense ...

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Death Is Not Final Day 5

Jesus conquered sin and death by rising from the dead....

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Death Is Not Final day 4

Jesus conquered sin and death by rising from the dead....

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Death Is Not Final day 3

Jesus conquered sin and death by rising from the dead....

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Death Is Not Final Day 2

Jesus conquered sin and death by rising from the dead....

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Death Is Not Final day 1

Jesus conquered sin and death by rising from the dead....

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Removing the Graveclothes

What if Jesus, after raising Lazarus from the dead, had commanded each strip of grave cloth to become a butterfly? If, on His command, they flew away -- freeing Lazarus? Compared to His resurrection miracle, it would seem to be child’s play. People would have remembered it. More glory for Him. Instead, He gives His followers a simple task. “Take off the grave clothe...

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Naming the Graveclothes


Close your eyes and watch Lazarus stumbling his way out of the tomb. He’s miraculously alive yet still dragging the things of death. We do that, too. Christ’s death and resurrection gives us new life that is not defined as a journey to death. It’s life lived now in God’s love, to be fully lived when we pass into eternity. Why do we drag the trappings of the grave a...

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Trapped in the Tomb?

Tombs deeply affect Jesus. They move him to tears. His mission in the world is to end the darkness of the tomb for all of His creation. That is incredibly good news for us, yet we turn the celebration into bunnies and chocolate. On Monday morning, we want to roll over, cover our heads, dread the day. Like Martha, we don’t want the tomb opened being sure of the stench....

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