Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Life is Not Futile Day 5
The Story of Your Life
I’m not ashamed of the Good News. It is God’s power to save everyone who believes.
Romans 1:16 GW
Have you rearranged your life around God’s plan and truth? Have you picked up on your purpose in that plan? I guarantee that when you do, people will notice. They may even consider those arrangements to be foolish.
Perhaps the most powerful way to point your friends to God’s plan is not to talk about it, but to live it. Especially when we face hardship and difficulty. Knowing God is planning all things to come to sense in Jesus doesn’t mean we always see it, yet they will notice the trust that keeps you grounded.
Reflect on where you found hope in hard times. Identify the trust you displayed and how that played out. Practice telling the story.
When have you personally leaned on Jesus and found him more than capable of providing both hope and meaning? Who needs to hear that story?
How would you describe true joy to a friend who knows nothing of this?
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