Worship Every Sunday | 8:30 am - Trinity Kimberly Way & Trinity Green Trails | 10:00 am - All Trinity Sites


Ministry at Trinity focuses on three key principles, worship, connect, and serve.  While these keys may seem like three separate ideas,  they are, in fact, woven together in a way that cannot be separated.  

Children Youth and Family

Trinity's family ministries are focused on sharing the love of Christ in many age appropriate ways. Our goal is to support you and your family every step of the way in your faith walk. We want your child to know they have a really big God! At Trinity, our plan is to partner with parents to help your child grow to love Jesus more than anything else and to follow Him. 

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As a spectator, baptism may look like a ritual involving water and some spoken words. It is true that a proper baptism does involve the application of water and speaking Jesus' words, but what happens in baptism is beyond a ritual. Baptism is God's work of restoration and regeneration through Jesus Christ.

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Congratulations on your decision to get married! God created us to live in relationships with others, and marriage is the ultimate way to live out this plan of God for our lives.

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When someone we love dies, we need the hope and comfort that comes from God’s promises for us more than ever. The Trinity family is ready to pray for you and your family and do all we can to support you during this time of loss.

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