Posts Tagged with "Margin"

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Margin: I Just Can't Take It Any More!

Jesus knows something about the human failure rate for running on fumes. First you have to fill the tank before you drive, then you have to refill after you've taken a long run. We see him using and training his disciples in the rhythm of rest for work, and rest from work. Our desperate cries of exhaustion show that this is a lesson we need....

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Margin: I Don't Have Enough Money!

Jesus talked a lot about economics in a culture that for most people meant subsistence living, what we would call paycheck to paycheck with some lay-offs scattered into the mix. If people in that setting needed to be told to consider the lilies of the field, what would he preach here in DuPage County? ...

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Margin: I Don't Have Enough Time

I constantly say I want to make some time to… How silly of me! I can't make time. God made time when he set up the world with days and nights, months and years, finite in the stream of His eternity. My personal supply of time is totally in His hands. How I use it is in my hands....

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