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Posts Tagged with "baptism"

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How does baptism affect my daily life?

Through the waters of baptism, we are given a new identity....

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What is Baptism


Through our baptism, we can live a new life of faith and hope now and on into God’s eternal kingdom. Let’s pause on some specific passages that help us see the results of that statement in our lives. Now is not only the time to celebrate the gift of baptism, but to dive into the new life baptism gives us....

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The Sacraments (Baptism & Communion)


God gives us his Word, not only on the pages of the Bible, but in a way we can experience! In the waters of Baptism God acts to give us his Spirit. We receive the gift of faith and new life. We are made his children. Through the Lord’s Supper we receive his body and blood with the bread and wine. Because of this, we receive forgiveness, life, and salvation. In these ...

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