Experiencing God

You come to know God by experience as you obey him and he accomplishes his work through you....
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God is at work, and we are part of his grand plan. He is bringing his kingdom into the universe, and restoring it to its original, eternal glory. EACH OF US HAS A PART TO PLAY! ...
God is at work, and we are part of his grand plan. He is bringing his kingdom into the universe, and restoring it to its original, eternal glory. EACH OF US HAS A PART TO PLAY! ...
God is at work, and we are part of his grand plan. He is bringing his kingdom into the universe, and restoring it to its original, eternal glory. EACH OF US HAS A PART TO PLAY! ...
God is at work, and we are part of his grand plan. He is bringing his kingdom into the universe, and restoring it to its original, eternal glory. EACH OF US HAS A PART TO PLAY! ...
God is at work, and we are part of his grand plan. He is bringing his kingdom into the universe, and restoring it to its original, eternal glory. EACH OF US HAS A PART TO PLAY! ...
Christians foolishly believe that change is not only possible, it is the norm for those who follow Jesus! One popular author reminds us: Jesus loves you just the way you are, he is just not content to leave you that way! Through the power of God’s Spirit at work with in us, through Word and Sacrament, God works to reshape us into his image. He gives us the gift of maturity and growth, preparing us to be all we can be with him in heaven forever....
Christians foolishly believe that change is not only possible, it is the norm for those who follow Jesus! One popular author reminds us: Jesus loves you just the way you are, he is just not content to leave you that way! Through the power of God’s Spirit at work with in us, through Word and Sacrament, God works to reshape us into his image. He gives us the gift of maturity and growth, preparing us to be all we can be with him in heaven forever....
Christians foolishly believe that change is not only possible, it is the norm for those who follow Jesus! One popular author reminds us: Jesus loves you just the way you are, he is just not content to leave you that way! Through the power of God’s Spirit at work with in us, through Word and Sacrament, God works to reshape us into his image. He gives us the gift of maturity and growth, preparing us to be all we can be with him in heaven forever....
Christians foolishly believe that change is not only possible, it is the norm for those who follow Jesus! One popular author reminds us: Jesus loves you just the way you are, he is just not content to leave you that way! Through the power of God’s Spirit at work with in us, through Word and Sacrament, God works to reshape us into his image. He gives us the gift of maturity and growth, preparing us to be all we can be with him in heaven forever....
Christians foolishly believe that change is not only possible, it is the norm for those who follow Jesus! ...
God can use our suffering for good....
God can use my suffering for good....
God can use our suffering for good....
God can use our suffering for good....
God can use suffering for good....
The guilt from our past can live in our minds and lives long after the act itself, preventing us from being all God created us to be. From a human perspective this all makes sense ...
The guilt from our past can live in our minds and lives long after the act itself, preventing us from being all God created us to be. From a human perspective this all makes sense ...
The guilt from our past can live in our minds and lives long after the act itself, preventing us from being all God created us to be. From a human perspective this all makes sense ...
The guilt from our past can live in our minds and lives long after the act itself, preventing us from being all God created us to be. From a human perspective this all makes sense ...
The guilt from our past can live in our minds and lives long after the act itself, preventing us from being all God created us to be. From a human perspective this all makes sense ...
Jesus conquered sin and death by rising from the dead....
Jesus conquered sin and death by rising from the dead....
Jesus conquered sin and death by rising from the dead....
Jesus conquered sin and death by rising from the dead....
Jesus conquered sin and death by rising from the dead....
Righteousness is a gift from God made possible by the means of an atoning sacrifice, which is received by those who, in humility, approach as sinners trusting in God’s grace and not their own righteousness....
Righteousness is a gift from God made possible by the means of an atoning sacrifice, which is received by those who, in humility, approach as sinners trusting in God’s grace and not their own righteousness....
Righteousness is a gift from God made possible by the means of an atoning sacrifice, which is received by those who, in humility, approach as sinners trusting in God’s grace and not their own righteousness....
Righteousness is a gift from God made possible by the means of an atoning sacrifice, which is received by those who, in humility, approach as sinners trusting in God’s grace and not their own righteousness....
Righteousness is a gift from God made possible by the means of an atoning sacrifice, which is received by those who, in humility, approach as sinners trusting in God’s grace and not their own righteousness....
We do not appeal to a disgruntled judge but to a loving Father who will hear us and act on our behalf....
We do not appeal to a disgruntled judge but to a loving Father who will hear us and act on our behalf....
We do not appeal to a disgruntled judge but to a loving Father who will hear us and act on our behalf....
We do not appeal to a disgruntled judge but to a loving Father who will hear us and act on our behalf....
We do not appeal to a disgruntled judge but to a loving Father who will hear us and act on our behalf....
All we have and are, including eternal life, is a gift from God. How we respond to that gift is crucial. Will we respond with arrogance, self-indulgence, and indifference to the needs of others, or with patience, longsuffering, gentleness, and forgiveness? ...
All we have and are, including eternal life, is a gift from God. How we respond to that gift is crucial. Will we respond with arrogance, self-indulgence, and indifference to the needs of others, or with patience, longsuffering, gentleness, and forgiveness? ...
All we have and are, including eternal life, is a gift from God. How we respond to that gift is crucial. Will we respond with arrogance, self-indulgence, and indifference to the needs of others, or with patience, longsuffering, gentleness, and forgiveness? ...
All we have and are, including eternal life, is a gift from God. How we respond to that gift is crucial. Will we respond with arrogance, self-indulgence, and indifference to the needs of others, or with patience, longsuffering, gentleness, and forgiveness? ...
All we have and are, including eternal life, is a gift from God. How we respond to that gift is crucial. Will we respond with arrogance, self-indulgence, and indifference to the needs of others, or with patience, longsuffering, gentleness, and forgiveness? ...
God’s Messiah is inviting you to the party of salvation. Do not refuse!...
God’s Messiah is inviting you to the party of salvation. Do not refuse!...
God’s Messiah is inviting you to the party of salvation. Do not refuse!...
God’s Messiah is inviting you to the party of salvation. Do not refuse!...
God’s Messiah is inviting you to the party of salvation. Do not refuse!...
We are pressed to affirm that the real problem isn’t getting what we feel we deserve, but finding the will to serve God and others rather than our own self-interests....
We are pressed to affirm that the real problem isn’t getting what we feel we deserve, but finding the will to serve God and others rather than our own self-interests....
Wanting Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to give me my share of the inheritance that our father left us.” Luke 12:13 (GW) The issue was crystal clear to our Lord. The person in the crowd (we’ll call him John Doe- JD for short) had a coveting problem! Apparently JD was a younger son, whose older brother had received the entire family inheritance, and he wanted a half! Our Lord’s reply was a stiff indictment on JD! Covetousness was sin! The parable then was just an illustration. How stunning our Lord’s words must have sounded when He called the rich young man in the parable a fool, and told of the eternal consequences of his foolishness! And JD had to be even more shocked at these words, “This is how it will be with whoever (including JD) stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.” St. Paul wonderfully defines “being rich toward God”. “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.” I Timothy 6:17-19. Pray that our gracious Lord strengthen each of us in faith to live richly in His love and care! ...
We are pressed to affirm that the real problem isn’t getting what we feel we deserve, but finding the will to serve God and others rather than our own self-interests....
We are pressed to affirm that the real problem isn’t getting what we feel we deserve, but finding the will to serve God and others rather than our own self-interests....
We are pressed to understand: “I must become a neighbor to anyone in need. To fulfill the law means I must reach out in costly compassion to all people, even to my enemies. The standard remains even though I can never fully achieve it. I cannot justify myself and earn eternal life.”...
We are pressed to understand: “I must become a neighbor to anyone in need. To fulfill the law means I must reach out in costly compassion to all people, even to my enemies. The standard remains even though I can never fully achieve it. I cannot justify myself and earn eternal life.”...
We are pressed to understand: “I must become a neighbor to anyone in need. To fulfill the law means I must reach out in costly compassion to all people, even to my enemies. The standard remains even though I can never fully achieve it. I cannot justify myself and earn eternal life.”...
We are pressed to understand: “I must become a neighbor to anyone in need. To fulfill the law means I must reach out in costly compassion to all people, even to my enemies. The standard remains even though I can never fully achieve it. I cannot justify myself and earn eternal life.”...
We are pressed to understand: “I must become a neighbor to anyone in need. To fulfill the law means I must reach out in costly compassion to all people, even to my enemies. The standard remains even though I can never fully achieve it. I cannot justify myself and earn eternal life.”...
We proclaim our trust that what we have prayed will be so....
We proclaim our trust that what we have prayed will be so....
We proclaim our trust that what we pray will be so. ...
We proclaim our trust that what we have prayed will be so....
We reflect on God's call to live as His forgiven children...
We proclaim our trust that what we have prayed will be so....
We trust God's victory over the evil within us and around us....
We trust God's victory over the evil within us and around us....
We trust God's victory over the evil within us and around us....
We trust God's victory over the evil within us and around us....
We trust God's victory over the evil within us and around us....
We reflect on God's call to live as His forgiven children...
We reflect on God's call to live as His forgiven children...
We reflect on God's call to live as His forgiven children...
We reflect on God's call to live as His forgiven children...
We learn to see God as the source for all our needs and reflect His generosity....
We learn to see God as the source for all our needs and reflect His generosity....
We learn to see God as the source for all our needs and reflect His generosity....
We learn to see God as the source for all our needs and reflect His generosity....
We learn to see God as the source for all our needs and reflect His generosity....
We rejoice in God our King and pledge our lives to His kingdom....
We rejoice in God our King and pledge our lives to His kingdom....
We rejoice in God our King and pledge our lives to His kingdom....
We rejoice in God our King and pledge our lives to His kingdom....
We rejoice in God our King and pledge our lives to His kingdom....
Following the model for prayer taught by Jesus we explore styles of prayer to grow more fluent in our conversation with God....
Following the model for prayer taught by Jesus we explore styles of prayer to grow more fluent in our conversation with God....
Following the model for prayer taught by Jesus we explore styles of prayer to grow more fluent in our conversation with God....
Following the model for prayer taught by Jesus we explore styles of prayer to grow more fluent in our conversation with God....
Following the model for prayer taught by Jesus we explore styles of prayer to grow more fluent in our conversation with God....
Through the story of the wise men we learn to be resolute, not just make resolutions and build a life that worships Jesus. ...
Through the story of the wise men we learn to be resolute, not just make resolutions and build a life that worships Jesus. ...
Through the story of the wise men we learn to be resolute, not just make resolutions and build a life that worships Jesus. ...
Through the story of the wise men we learn to be resolute, not just make resolutions and build a life that worships Jesus. ...
Through the story of the wisemen we learn to be resolute, not just make resolutions and build a life that worships Jesus. ...
When the wrapping comes off there are 5 questions to ask....
After the wrapping comes off, there are 5 questions to ask....
After the wrapping comes off, there are 5 questions to ask....
After the wrapping comes off, there are 5 questions to ask....
When the wrapping comes off, there are 5 questions to ask....
Gabriel announces that the long-awaited Messiah with the command, “Behold!” We see and respond with words and deeds that reveal the same good news....
Gabriel announces that the long-awaited Messiah with the command, “Behold!” We see and respond with words and deeds that reveal the same good news....
Gabriel announces that the long-awaited Messiah with the command, “Behold!” We see and respond with words and deeds that reveal the same good news....
Gabriel announces that the long-awaited Messiah with the command, “Behold!” We see and respond with words and deeds that reveal the same good news....
Gabriel announces that the long-awaited Messiah with the command, “Behold!” We see and respond with words and deeds that reveal the same good news....
As we rejoice in Jesus we are moved to action that adds joy to another life....
We prepare for Jesus with Integrity. Reflections on Luke 3:10-14...
We prepare for Jesus with Care. Reflections on Matthew 25:5-10...
We prepare for Jesus with gentleness like His. Isaiah 42:1-4...
We prepare for Jesus with diligence. Reflections on 1 Peter 3:3-15...
We Prepare for Jesus with a turnaround. Reflections on Mark 1:2-4...
You come to know God by experience as you obey him and he accomplishes his work through you....
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