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Teach Me to Pray Thy Kingdom Come day 2

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Praying with another’s words

Using a written prayer can still be a very personal conversation with God. As you read this prayer - go slow! Let the meaning of each phrase soak into your heart. Underline words or phrases that have a high impact on your heart. Pause to add your own further prayer thoughts at any point. Write a phrase that impresses you in your prayer journal and expand it with your own thoughts.

All knowing Father, who can fathom your Kingdom and “who is man that you are mindful of him” …. want him in your Kingdom and in the middle of your will?

Your prophet Isaiah spoke of people” living in darkness” Many people today are still in darkness.  If they know your will, they ignore it and go their own way.  They are blind to your gift of light and live as they please.  They even go so far as to deny your existence.  I know some of those people Lord!   Father, send your Spirit to bring them light to let them know about and embrace the True Light, Jesus.  While on earth, He cried over the darkness in Jerusalem.  I can imagine you “crying” over those who are in darkness today.  Bring them your light dear Father!

I earnestly want to be used by you to shine light into your world.  Lead me Father. Show me ways to be of use to you and your Kingdom.

Father, I know that your perfect will is for men, who you created in your own image, to have a light-filled relationship with you.  May your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven!