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Exodus: The Gospel According to Moses

Exodus - Title

The Bible holds stories that go beyond simple words on a page. These stories give us a deeper understanding of faith, sin, and salvation. ...

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Rethinking Rest

Rethinking Rest - Title

Do you need a vacation from your vacation? Maybe you need to spend some time Rethinking Rest....

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Life in Light of Eternity

Ephesians Series Title

Ancient Ephesus was one of the greatest urban centers in the Roman world. It was host to the Temple of Artemis, considered one of the great wonders of the ancient world. It was diverse, cosmopolitan, and home to a variety of religions. And what some saw as challenges, Paul saw as opportunities, for the church in Ephesus became one of the great sending churches in the ancie...

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Surprising Faith

Surprising Faith Title

This Sunday, we celebrate Pentecost, which marks a turning point in the story of God’s people......

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Secular Creeds

Secular Creeds-Title

IN THIS HOUSE WE BELIEVE: Science is Real Black Lives Matter Women’s Rights are Human Rights Love is Love No Human is Illegal Kindness is Everything...

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2023 Holy Week worship experiences....

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Forgiving Challenge

Forgiving Challenge-Logo

During Lent, we are joining together in the Forgiving Challenge, a life-changing journey of experiencing the gift of God’s grace so that we can share it with others. ...

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Wisdom for Life

Wisdom For Life

We live in a world of 280-character sound bites and pop philosophy. In a society moving at breakneck speed with attention spans rarely longer than a few minutes, we often look for a quick fix as we move about our days and weeks. But the world is not that simple. It is vast and complex, with challenges that defy not only our quick answers but even the knowledge of experts. ...

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Speaking of the King

speaking of the king - 16x9

The word “Advent” means “arrival”. It is a season in which we are waiting for the second coming of Christ by looking back at his first coming. It helps to remind us of who Jesus is and why he came....

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Strange Encounters With Jesus - Series Starts October 2

Strange Encounters With Jesus -16x9

Over the centuries artists have tried to capture the figure of Jesus. From mosaics, icons, sculptures, and paintings to television and film, images of Jesus can be found all around the world. But what if these pictures are getting in the way of actually seeing Jesus for who he really is?...

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