Palm Sunday - Worthy or Praise?
Sunday, April 2 - Regular worship times at all Trinity sites.
Is Jesus worthy of praise? When we gather for worship, we praise Jesus and call him our King. Like the people waving palm branches, our praise of Jesus reveals our hopes for Jesus. Because of this, it’s worth asking: What hopes and expectations do we have for Jesus?
Maundy Thursday - Worthy of Imitation?
Thursday, April 6 - 7:00 pm - Worship time is available at Trinity Kimberly Way, Lisle.
During His last supper with His disciples, Jesus does something extraordinary. As an act of love and humble service, He washes his disciple’s feet. Jesus tells them, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”
Good Friday - Worthy of Death
Friday, April 7 - 7:00 pm - All Trinity Sites
This somber worship experience reminds us that Jesus allowed himself to be deemed worthy of death—both by God’s people and even God Himself. The penalty for our sin has been paid.
Family Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 8
Families, friends, neighbors, and guests from all of Trinity's locations are encouraged to join us for a family-friendly Easter celebration!
Trinity Galewood, Chicago - 10:00 am
Trinity Kimberly Way, Lisle - 4:00 pm
Easter Celebration - Worthy of Life
Sunday, April 9 - Regular worship times at all Trinity Sites.
Jesus was raised to life by His Heavenly Father so that all who believe in Jesus might be deemed worthy of eternal life. You are invited to embrace this never-ending life that Jesus has secured for you.
Trinity Church Locations and Regular Worship Times
Trinity Galewood - 1701 N. Narragansett Ave, Chicago, IL 60639 [directions]
Worship Times: Sunday - 10:30 am
Trinity Green Trails - 2701 Maple Ave., Lisle, IL 60532 [directions]
Worship Times: Sunday: 9:00 and 11:00 am
Trinity Kimberly Way - 1101 Kimberly Way, Lisle, IL 60532 [directions]
Worship Times: Sunday: 8:30 and 10:00 am
Join Us at Home - Online Worship
Worship Times: 9:00 am online live stream from Trinity Green Trails
December 22, 2024
A Life Worth LivingNovember 25, 2024
The Promise FulfilledOctober 16, 2024
I'm Glad You Asked