Who is the Lord?

October 15, 2023 Speaker: Nick Price Series: Exodus: The Gospel According to Moses

The plague narratives are some of the most dramatic scenes in the whole Bible. They’ve been powerfully and visually depicted in films like The Ten Commandments, The Prince of Egypt, and Exodus: Gods & Kings. But what we often miss in these dramatic re-tellings is that all of the plagues are intended to answer one simple question from Pharoah: “Who is Yahweh that I should obey him?” The answer is that Yahweh is the unique, natural, and saving Judge over all the earth. He is the one apart from whom everything else falls back into darkness. He is the one to whom we must all eventually give an account. And He is the one who ultimately provides forgiveness and mercy for those who trust in Him.

More in Exodus: The Gospel According to Moses

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The Dwelling Place of God

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The Glory You’re Made For

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Reading Exodus: Idols