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Week Seven - Ascension - Trinity Green Trails

May 8, 2016 Speaker: Dan Grissom Series: Following Jesus Through Easter

Scripture: Luke 24:44–53, Job 9:32–35

We celebrate Christmas the birth of Jesus. It is certainly appropriate for us to do that, as he leaves his life in heaven and, as Paul would later write, “empties himself” so that he can become the humble servant of all, even to the point of giving his life on the cross. But shouldn’t we also celebrate his ascension with the same joy? Having accomplished all his Father sent him to do, he leaves this mortal existence and returns to his rightful place on the throne in heaven. As John MacArthur wrote: “The story of Jesus began in heaven when He left and came to earth. And it ends when He leaves earth to return to heaven. The story began with condescension and ends with ascension. Began with incarnation and ends with exaltation. Begins with expectation and ends with consummation. It began with the Son of God being born of a virgin, descending to earth and it ends with the Son of God being born from the dead, ascending to heaven. The story began with hope unrealized and ends with hope fully realized. It began with a promise and ends with a fulfillment and a new promise.”