Volunteer at Trinity Galewood: Need 2 Feed

Every first Saturday of every month
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Category: Trinity GalewoodNeed 2 Feed happens the first Saturday of the month at Trinity Galewood. Our doors are open from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. for a meal donated by Fats' Hard Kitchen Catering.
Need 2 Feed is a community outreach in the Fellowship Hall at Trinity Galewood to offer people services they might not know are available. This is a partnership between three organizations, and we'd love your help.
Fatso Hard Kitchen Catering is making meals to give away for free. Part of their mission as a business is to help reduce food insecurity. We are working with them and Galewood Neighbors to reduce food insecurity in our surrounding area. While people are with us at the church, we'll offer information and/or the ability to receive other services.
- At Trinity Galewood, 1701 N. Narragansett, Chicago
- First Saturday of each month
- Doors are open for guests, 1pm - 3pm
- Volunteer 12p-2pm or 2pm-4pm
Serving Opportunities:
- Set up / tear down
- Hosting guests
- Directing people to information and/or services
- Distribution of food
- Donations of non-perishables for people to take home
Email ChisoniDavis@yahoo.com to volunteer.