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Week 3 - What Do We Do? - TGT

January 22, 2017 Speaker: Series: Clarity

Topic: What Do We Do Scripture: Matthew 22:37–40, Matthew 28:18–20, Hebrews 10:25, Acts 2:40–47

All churches are called to reach the lost and to make disciples. But different churches approach that task in different ways. Here at Trinity we center all we do in Word and Sacrament, as God comes to us with His love and grace through these means. Literally, everything we do starts first with God and His grace for us.

We experience and respond to that grace through worship, connection, and service. We worship regularly in different styles but centered around His Word, Baptism, and the Lord’s Supper. We also worship as we gather at different times and in our daily time with God. We connect with others through small groups, where we live out and grow in his command to love one another. We serve God by serving others both in the work we do at Trinity and in loving acts of service in our community

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Week 3 - What Do We Do? - TKW