Week 2 - How Do We Behave? - TGT
January 15, 2017 Speaker: Dan Grissom Series: Clarity
Topic: Family Scripture: Matthew 5:13–16, Psalm 25:4–5, Ephesians 4:32, 2 Corinthians 9:11
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How do we behave? As individual people who call Trinity their church home, how has God shaped us to live out His mission? What are the “family rules” that we share together as we live as a part of God’s family here at Trinity?
First, our congregation is outwardly focused. Jesus said we were to be salt and light, and we live that out by being engaged in our community, serving our community, and centered in the work of the Gospel. We don’t exist for ourselves but for our community.
Second, our congregation is teachable. We have a humble spirit, knowing God is not finished shaping us and that we always have more to learn. We are flexible, holding on to traditions and ways of doing things with loose hands. If we are going to be used by God we need to always be ready to present the unchanging Gospel in new ways.
Finally, our congregation is soft hearted. We are welcoming to all, hoping to always make visitors feel at home. We are caring and compassionate, always eager to respond to the needs and brokenness we see in the world around us. We are generous, giving freely to the world around us and to support the ministry at Trinity.
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