Week 1 - Why Are We Here? - Both Sites
January 8, 2017 Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Clarity
Topic: Why Are We Here? Scripture: John 10:10, Matthew 28:18–20, 1 Corinthians 9:22b–23, Luke 19:1–10
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Why are we here? Why does Trinity Lutheran Church exist? It’s easy: We exist to help people come to know and experience the abundant life that Jesus came to bring them, and won for them on the cross and through the empty tomb.
This means two things. First, it means connecting people to Jesus. Helping them come to know that he is their God and savior. There are so many people we encounter every day that would not be going to heaven with us if Jesus came right now. That do not know he is their God and friend. We exist to “Go and make disciples of all nations…” and to become “all things to all people so that by all means” we might save some. In short, we want God to use us so that people are in heaven eternally. Only THEN can they truly have abundant life.
Second, it means we help those who DO know Jesus as their Savior realize that they do not have to wait until heaven to live that abundant life! As people grow in their faith and obedience to all that God has commanded and as they join God in the work he is doing in the world around them, they experience all that life has to offer right here and right now.
Both of these things are evident in the story of Jesus’ interaction with a tax collector named Zacchaeus. When Jesus came to Jericho that day, and then to the home of Zacchaeus, Zacchaeus came to know Jesus as the source of abundant life, and came to experience that life.
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