FALL FEST - Saturday, October 19, 3-5pm at Trinity Kimberly Way | 1101 Kimberly Way, Lisle)
FALL Party - Thursday, October 31, 5-7pm at Trinity Galewood | 1701 N. Narragansett Ave, Chicago

Worship Every Sunday | 8:30 am - Trinity Kimberly Way & Trinity Green Trails | 10:00 am - All Trinity Sites

Current Events: Chaos! - TGT

July 31, 2016 Speaker: Dan Grissom Series: Current Events

Topic: Chaos

How does a Christian make sense of the world around them? Does the Bible have anything to say about "breaking news" stories? This summer Trinity's "Current Events" series will deal with what we see on the TV news every week. We will process what is happening through the lens of God's Word.

This week we look at the chaos we see around us. Shootings and protests. Political conventions at home and political coups abroad. Fear everywhere. We almost become numb to it. Or afraid to check the newspaper each day. How is a Christian to react? Where do we find hope? Why does the chaos around us exist? God's Word has the answer!

More in Current Events

July 31, 2016

Current Event: Chaos! - TKW

June 26, 2016

Current Events - Orlando - TKW

June 26, 2016

Current Events Orlando - TGT