Worship Every Sunday | 8:30 am - Trinity Kimberly Way & Trinity Green Trails | 10:00 am - All Trinity Sites

Messages by Mark Schulz

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March 26, 2023


Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Forgiving Challenge

February 5, 2023

Wisdom for Marriage & Singleness

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Wisdom for Life Scripture: Ephesians 5:21–33

November 20, 2022

Zombie Jesus?

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Strange Encounters With Jesus Scripture: John 20

October 9, 2022

Jesus Brings the Wine Bar

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Strange Encounters With Jesus Scripture: John 2:1–12

August 21, 2022

Warning Signs

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Letters for Exiles Scripture: 2 Peter 2:1–22

July 24, 2022


Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Letters for Exiles Scripture: 1 Peter 5:1–14

May 2, 2021

Grace Upon Grace

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Messy Grace

January 10, 2021

Strong in the Lord - Week 2

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Strong in the Lord

November 11, 2018

Raising Up Leaders - TSN

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Follow Scripture: Mark 9:2, Mark 9:33–35, Luke 10:1–2

November 4, 2018

Disciples Who Disciple - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Follow Scripture: John 21:15–17

October 21, 2018

Called to Commitment - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Follow Scripture: Luke 14:25–33, Luke 5:1–11

October 7, 2018

Get in a Group - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Follow Scripture: Mark 3:13–19, Mark 6:7–13

September 30, 2018

Our Mission - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Follow Scripture: Matthew 28

September 16, 2018

I see a mess. God sees a work in progress. - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Mirror Mirror Scripture: Ephesians 2:10

September 2, 2018

I see my sins. God sees perfection. - TSN

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Mirror Mirror Scripture: Hebrews 10:14–25

August 26, 2018

Final Greetings and Future Hope - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Romans Scripture: Romans 16

August 19, 2018

Paul’s Mission and Ours - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Romans

July 15, 2018

Living Sacrifices - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Romans Scripture: Romans 12:1–21

July 8, 2018

New Righteousness and God’s People - TSN

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Romans Scripture: Romans 9:1– 11:36

June 24, 2018

Life in the Spirit - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Romans Scripture: Romans 8:1–17

June 10, 2018

Immeasurably More

Speaker: Mark Schulz Scripture: Ephesians 3:20–21

May 13, 2018

The Righteousness of God - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Romans Topic: Gods Love Scripture: Romans 1:18– 3:31

May 6, 2018

Romans: Setting the Scene - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Romans Scripture: Romans 1:1–17

April 22, 2018

My Behavior Is Not Fixed - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Foolish Things Christians Believe Topic: Identity Scripture: Romans 6:1–14, Ephesians 4:13–15

April 15, 2018

My Pain Is Not Fruitless - TSN

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Foolish Things Christians Believe Topic: suffering Scripture: Romans 5:1–5, Romans 8:28, 2 Corinthians 1:3–7

April 8, 2018

My Past is not Fatal - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Foolish Things Christians Believe Topic: Identity Scripture: Luke 23:32–43

March 25, 2018

The Pharisee and the Tax Collector - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: The Storyteller Topic: Gods Love Scripture: Luke 18:9–14

March 21, 2018

Divorce and Remarriage

Speaker: Mark Schulz Topic: Truth Scripture: Matthew 19:3–12

March 18, 2018

The Judge and the Widow - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: The Storyteller Topic: Prayer Scripture: Luke 18:1–8

March 14, 2018


Speaker: Mark Schulz Topic: Truth Scripture: Matthew 18:21–35

March 11, 2018

The Rich Man and Lazarus - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: The Storyteller Topic: Finances Scripture: Luke 16:19–31

February 18, 2018

What must I do to inherit eternal life?

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: The Storyteller Topic: Parables Scripture: Luke 10:25–37

February 14, 2018

Ash Wednesday

Speaker: Mark Schulz

February 11, 2018

"For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen." - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Teach Me To Pray Topic: Prayer Scripture: Matthew 6:13, 1 Chronicles 29:10–13, Romans 8:28

January 14, 2018

“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Teach Me To Pray Topic: Prayer Scripture: Matthew 6:10, Matthew 4:17, Revelation 21:3–4

January 7, 2018

“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name…” - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Teach Me To Pray Topic: Prayer Scripture: Matthew 6:7–9, Luke 11:1–2, Psalm 32:6

December 17, 2017

Behold - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Advent Topic: Advent Scripture: Luke 1:26–38

December 10, 2017

Rejoice - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Advent Topic: Advent Scripture: Luke 1:39–55

November 26, 2017


Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Advent Topic: Advent Scripture: Luke 2:22–38

November 5, 2017

We Welcome All - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: This is Us Topic: Trinty's Mission Scripture: Acts 16:25–34, Acts 9:1–31

October 29, 2017

Sometimes We Don’t Get Along - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: This is Us Topic: Trinty's Mission Scripture: Acts 15:1–31

October 22, 2017

We Take Risks for the Gospel -TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: This is Us Topic: Trinty's Mission Scripture: Acts 4:1–22, Acts 5:27–42, Acts 6:8– 7:60

October 8, 2017

We Go Where the Spirit Leads Us - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: This is Us Topic: Trinty's Mission Scripture: Acts 8:26–40, Acts 16:1–15

October 1, 2017

We Are a (Growing) Family - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: This is Us Topic: Trinty's Mission Scripture: Acts 11:19–30, Acts 13:1–3

September 17, 2017

Tactics 201, Open War - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: War of the Worlds Topic: Spiritual Warfare Scripture: Romans 8:1–4, Romans 8:31–39, Ephesians 6:10–17, 1 Peter 5:8–11, Revelation 12:10

September 3, 2017

The Battle Is Real ... But We Win - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: War of the Worlds Topic: Spiritual Warfare Scripture: Luke 10:17–20

September 3, 2017

The Battle is Real ... But We Win! - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: War of the Worlds Topic: Spiritual Warfare Scripture: Luke 10:17–20

July 23, 2017

Calendar App - TKW - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Apps4Life Topic: Technology Scripture: Ephesians 2:10, Ephesians 5:15–16

July 9, 2017

Camera App - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Apps4Life Topic: Technology Scripture: Genesis 1:3–6, Philippians 2:3–8

June 4, 2017

How does Baptism affect my daily life? - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Baptism and Confirmation Topic: Core Doctrine Scripture: Psalm 51:5, Romans 5:12, Titus 3:3

May 14, 2017

Week 2 - Naomi - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: The Gospel of Ruth Topic: Gods Love Scripture: Ruth 1:1–5, Ruth 1:19–21

April 23, 2017

Week 2 - Naming The Graveclothes - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: I'm Alive! Topic: Easter Scripture: John 11:44, Romans 7:21–24, Romans 8:1–2

April 9, 2017

Week 6 - with A Christian - TKW & TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Jesus Walk into a Bar Topic: Different Religions Scripture: Matthew 19:16–26, Ephesians 2:8–10, Acts 4:32–37

March 19, 2017

Week 3 - With A Buddist - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Jesus Walk into a Bar Topic: Different Religions Scripture: Romans 5:3–5, Romans 8:18–39

March 5, 2017

Week 1 - Introduction - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Jesus Walk into a Bar Topic: Truth Scripture: John 14:6, John 8:32, Ephesians 4:15

February 26, 2017

Week 3 - Salt And Light - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Them Topic: Race Relationships Scripture: 2 Chronicles 19:5–7, Isaiah 58:6–9, Matthew 5:9, Matthew 5:13–16

February 12, 2017

Week 1 - When God Gives A Dream - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Them Topic: Race Relationships Scripture: Acts 10:9–16, Acts 10:34, Revelation 7:9–17

February 5, 2017

Baptism & Confirmation February 2017 - What Is Baptism? - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Baptism and Confirmation Topic: Family Scripture: Matthew 28:19, Titus 3:5–6, Romans 6:3–4

January 8, 2017

Week 1 - Why Are We Here? - Both Sites

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Clarity Topic: Why Are We Here? Scripture: John 10:10, Matthew 28:18–20, 1 Corinthians 9:22b–23, Luke 19:1–10

December 18, 2016

Week 4 - The Sign - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Images from Isaiah - Advent Conspiracy Topic: Advent Conspiracy Scripture: Isaiah 7:1–14, Matthew 1:18–24

December 11, 2016

Week 3 - The Oasis - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Images from Isaiah - Advent Conspiracy Topic: Advent Conspiracy Scripture: Isaiah 35:6–7

November 13, 2016

Week 7 - Adjust Your Life - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Yada Yada Yada Topic: Knowing God Better Scripture: Genesis 12:1–5, Luke 9:23–24, Matthew 16:24–28

November 6, 2016

Week 6 - Crisis Of Belief - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Yada Yada Yada Topic: Knowing God Better Scripture: Hebrews 11:6

October 23, 2016

Week 4 - God's Invitation - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Yada Yada Yada Topic: Knowing God Better Scripture: Exodus 3:9–11, Philippians 2:13, 2 Corinthians 5:19–20

October 16, 2016

Week 3 - God Is Pursuing You - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Yada Yada Yada Topic: Knowing God Better Scripture: John 14:21

October 9, 2016

Week 2 - God Is At Work - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Yada Yada Yada Topic: Knowing God Better Scripture: John 4:3–42

August 21, 2016

Week 3 - Original Sin - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Strengthen Your Core Topic: Core Doctrine Scripture: Genesis 3:1–7, Psalm 14:1–3, Romans 5:12

August 14, 2016

Week 2 - the Authority of Scripture - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Strengthen Your Core Topic: Core Doctrine Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:14–17

August 7, 2016

Week 1 - The Nature Of God - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Strengthen Your Core Topic: Core Doctrine Scripture: Colossians 1:3–20, 1 John 4:7–16

July 31, 2016

Current Event: Chaos! - TKW

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Current Events Topic: Chaos

June 26, 2016

Current Events Orlando - TGT

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Current Events Topic: Orlando Scripture: Luke 18:9–14

June 19, 2016

Week 5 - Kids and Families Serve

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Kids Matter Topic: Family Scripture: Mark 9:33–37, 1 Samuel 1:24–28

May 8, 2016

Week Seven - Ascension - Trinity Kimberly Way

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Following Jesus Through Easter Scripture: John 24:44–53, Job 9:32–35

April 10, 2016

Week Three - Failure and Restoration - Trinity Green Trails

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Following Jesus Through Easter Topic: Doubt Scripture: John 21:1–19

April 3, 2016

Week Two - Too Good To Be True? - Trinity Kimberly Way

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Following Jesus Through Easter Topic: Doubt Scripture: John 20:19–31

March 6, 2016

Lent Week Four - Trinity Green Trails

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Following Jesus Through Lent Topic: repentance Scripture: Luke 13:1–9

February 28, 2016

Week Three: Gathered - Trinity Kimberly Way

Speaker: Mark Schulz Series: Following Jesus Through Lent Scripture: Luke 13:31–35