Worship Every Sunday | 8:30 am - Trinity Kimberly Way & Trinity Green Trails | 10:00 am - All Trinity Sites

What is Holy Week?

Holy Week is a special time of year for us, as we once more walk with Jesus from his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, through his trial and execution, and to the empty tomb and Resurrection on Easter. Throughout the week, we offer unique services that help us to step into the story and see these events again with fresh eyes. You are invited to join us at any of our Trinity locations as we celebrate the resurrection of the King.

Are you interested in knowing more about the various locations of Trinity across the Chicagoland area?




Holy Week Worship Times

Palm Sunday - March 24

Trinity Galewood, Chicago - 10:00am
Trinity Green Trails, Lisle - 8:30 and *10:00am
Trinity Kimberly Way, Lisle - 8:30 and 10:00am
Jesus is greeted outside Jerusalem by an expectant crowd. His followers expect Him to display some unmistakable sign, claim the scepter, and ascend the throne. But this King desires something more for us. 

Maundy Thursday - March 28 - *7:00 pm

Worship Time is offered at Trinity Green Trails, Lisle , and Trinity Kimberly Way, Lisle.
During His last supper with His disciples, Jesus does something extraordinary. As an act of love and humble service, He washes His disciple’s feet. Jesus tells them, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”

Good Friday - March 29 - *7:00 pm

All Trinity Locations
This somber worship experience reminds us that Jesus allowed himself to be deemed worthy of death—both by God’s people and even God Himself. The penalty for our sin has been paid.

Family Easter Egg Hunt - March 30

Join us for a day of fun! We have family events planned for Trinity Galewood in Chicago and for Trinity Kimberly Way in Lisle.  Check out the fun we had last year!

Easter Sunday, March 31

Trinity Galewood, Chicago - 10:00 am
Trinity Green Trails, Lisle - 8:30, *10:00 and 11:30 am
Trinity Kimberly Way, Lisle - 7:00, 8:30 and 10:00 am
Jesus was raised to life by His Heavenly Father so that all who believe in Jesus might be deemed worthy of eternal life. You are invited to embrace this never-ending life that Jesus has secured for you.

* These worship times will be streamed live online from Trinity Green Trails.